
A-lab is deploying Anker on all of their projects, as they identify the delivery of quality design data to their clients as a key success factor for the years to come. Elvely was the first.

When Angie, A-lab's dynamic and experienced Architect and Technology Director, first called us, she was frustrated. “What has the world come to?”, she asked. The reason for her frustration was that her team was about to get fined for a lack of construction documentation quality in a project. After hearing about Anker, she replied, “Where do I sign?”

It was a perfect storm. And even better, Angie had just hired the perfect person to implement Anker in their projects, data super wizard Matthaus Grzondziel from Germany. Together, they are scaling Anker across the entire organization, “instead of hiring one BIM Manager for each team or project,” as would be the alternative.

At the end of the day, architects want to design quality space. Form and void. That is what they dream of, and that is what they know. That is why they get up in the morning. By automating the process of creating quality construction documentation, Angie and Matthaus’ colleagues can do that, while at the same time building trust in the data that they produce.

Interested in Anker?

We serve all data needs in every BIM project.