
Recent updates and improvements to Anker

November 12, 2023

Product Update: Validation Result Table

Hello friends! We're excited to share a recent update that will make your experience even better. In the validation report, we've made a small, but important change. Now, the validation result is displayed in the first column. This means you won't have to scroll to the right anymore to see the colors.

Enjoy the improved usability!

November 5, 2023

Product Update: New Relationship UI

Hey there! Mohammad has just finished working on a brand new Relationship UI. You can give it a try at the usual spot. On top of that, we recently had a meeting with Saleem and Jonas to brainstorm ideas on how we can make it even better and easier to use for everyone. We're planning to develop new prototypes in the coming weeks. Our main objective is to focus on the most important features and enhance the CSV template to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.

New Relationship UI with preview tables
October 31, 2023

Release notes: Week 43

Hello everyone! This week was maybe challenging, but it was also a valuable learning experience and we made great progress on the platform.

We want to share some new product updates from this week!

  • We’ve succesfully integrated ACC webhooks - it means, that whenever an ACC/Bim360 folder or file is updated, you’ll see those changes in Anker automatically! You can test it both in Project Wizard and Files view:

  • We've made some report tweaks. We now have a pre-selected parameter that allows users to see the result table right away. This means fewer clicks for the users!
  • Our developer Mohammad is currently in the process of implementing a new Relationship UI. This may not be the final version, as we are still trying to simplify it as much as possible. It can even be confusing for us at times. Definietly more user testing to come.
  • We're discussing internally how to improve the report view in Revit. Mohammad is already working on some improvements, and Jonas, our designer, is creating a separate report view that will be more suitable for the add-in in Revit
October 29, 2023

Improvements to Project Dashboard